Saturday, March 8, 2014

Make Routine Cards For Children

A home printer is useful in making routine cards.

Routine cards help you organize your children's lives while teaching them organize on their own. When you use routine cards, it inspires your kids to use a little independence when learning read and get active in daily routines. Knowing make your own routine cards saves money on buying pre-made kits and also helps you take a more hands-on approach to organizing and educating your children.


1. Load a sheet of card stock printer paper in your home printer. Power on your computer and open your computer's word processing software.

2. Select the Insert option in your word processing program. Create four equal sized frames with the Frame or Table option.

3. At the top of each frame, use bold, size 20 font to create a routine word. Teeth, Clothes, and Homework are good examples.

4. Use the insert tool to put a piece of clipart in each frame beneath the routine description. For example, for Clothes a clipart image of a t-shirt is ideal. For Teeth a clipart image of a toothbrush is good.

5. Add brief text, just two or three sentences, to each card to encourage the children or provide instruction.

6. Print the tiled image on the sheet of clip art. Cut out the four routine cards.

7. Place the routine cards on your fridge with magnets for your children to see, or on bulletin boards in your children's rooms.

Tags: make, routine, cards, children, your children, clipart image, each frame, home printer, routine cards, routine cards, word processing, your computer