Sunday, March 2, 2014

Best Way To Clean Wood Blinds

Wood blinds bring all the benefits of regular blinds, with the added richness that wood brings to any interior space. Cleaning window blinds of any type can be a challenge, where the task is to get between each of those slats to clean out the dust. The difference with real wood blinds is that you can't use water for cleaning.


The first line of defense for keeping wood blinds clean is to dust frequently. This will prevent dirt, grease and other particles from taking a firm hold on the wood. For a thorough cleaning, open the blinds all the way, push one or two fingers into the edge of a microfiber cloth or dusting mitt, and run it along each slat. Next, close the blinds. Stand behind the blinds and clean the underside of the slats. Turn the slats upwards, and move to the front of the blinds to clean the front edges of the slats' undersides.


Use the brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner to clean your wood blinds. Move the brush along the slats, allowing the brush to move both above and below each one. Doing this once a week will keep your blinds clean. A stubborn layer of dirt on your blinds will not be removed with a vacuum attachment, however.

Dry Sponge

Purchase a small sponge brush. Using a method similar to the microfiber cloth, open the blinds fully and run the sponge brush along the slats to remove the dust. Close the blinds, and run the brush along the backside of the blinds to get the underside of the slats. Turn the blinds so the underside of the slats are flipped up, and rub the sponge across the front edges of the slats' underside.


Most of the dust collects on top of the slats, not the bottom. You can quickly clean the top slats by turning them down without completely closing them, and brushing over them with a dust cloth or mitt. Try using lemon oil to bring a bit of extra shine to your wood blinds. Pour a bit of it on a cotton cloth and rub it lightly over the surface. Or, try a one of the many dry dust-cloths on the market, designed for dusting wood surfaces. Spills on wood blinds should be removed with a dry or slightly damp cloth.

Faux Wood and Painted Wood Blinds

Faux wood blinds are made of composite materials or vinyl. These blinds can tolerate moisture. Unlike real wood blinds, they won't be harmed by contact with a damp cloth or sponge for cleaning. Painted wood blinds are protected with a layer of paint; they can be cleaned with a damp cloth, but not excessive amounts of moisture.

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