Sunday, February 23, 2014

How Deep Should I Plant Allium Bulbs

Allium flowerheads dry well for long-lasting flower arrangements and crafts.

Alliums, ornamental flowering onions, produce globe flower clusters which make ideal cut or dried flowers. Approximately 800 species of alliums exist that produce small or large, baseball-sized flower heads, according to the Pacific Bulb Society. Planting the bulbs in the fall will produce blossoms in the late spring and early summer months.

Planting Depth

Allium plants grow from bulbs. Depending on the variety, the bulb sizes range from large to small. The Iowa State University Extension suggests planting large allium bulbs at a depth of 6 inches and small bulbs 3 to 5 inches below the soil.

Planting Requirements

Choose a planting location with well-draining soil so the bulbs do not rot once planted. The plants flourish in full sunlight. Alliums grow well in a soil pH of 6 to 7, the University of Maryland Cooperative Extension reports. Adding organic compost to the soil can help the bulbs establish themselves. In cold regions of the country mulch the soil's surface in the fall after planting.


Hardy alliums will only produce flowers if the bulbs go through a period of cold stratification that ranges from 12 to 22 weeks, according to the University of Maryland Cooperative Extension. The bulbs naturalize in the planting area easily. Alliums spread by producing tiny bulblets which can be dug up and transplanted to new locations. The bulblets take two to three years before they will produce blossoms.

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