Sunday, February 23, 2014

Get Rid Of Acne Scars On Your Back

Get Rid of Acne Scars on Your Back

People can develop acne on virtually any area of the body. Once it's gone, acne can lead behind nasty scars. Sometimes acne scars can look even worse than the acne which caused them. Picking and otherwise irritating acne makes it more susceptible to scarring. Oftentimes, acne scars will fade over time and be fully gone within a year though some scarring may be permanent. The back is a common place for acne scars. There are, however, ways to get rid of acne scars on your back, making them less noticeable.


1. Protect your back from the sun. Any time in the sun results in skin damage, impeding your skin's healing abilities if you sunbathe. Sun damage also worsens the appearance of scars. Keep your skin protected by wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen on your back whenever it is exposed.

2. Exfoliate the skin on your back. Use a loofah and a body scrub once to twice a week to get rid of dead skin cells. With regular exfoliation, you'll unveil newer, less damaged skin cells more rapidly.

3. Apply a bleaching cream to your acne scars. These creams are available over-the-counter and will lighten the scars, helping them to blend in with the surrounding skin. You'll need to apply the cream daily for several weeks in order to see results.

4. Get microdermabrasion. A licensed technician will use a small sandblaster-type device to buff away the top layers of your skin. After a series of treatments, your skin will look younger and less scarred.

5. Have a series of chemical peels performed on your back. Chemical peels have long been popular facial treatments but they continue to gain popularity on other body areas. A professional will apply chemicals to your back which will react with the skin there and burn away the top layers. Once your skin heals, it will look fresher and the scars will be less noticeable. Chemical peels are available in various strengths, ranging from light to deep.

6. Talk to your dermatologist about laser treatments. Laser light targets the scars, breaking up their pigment. The top layers of skin are burned, revealing fresh skin below. Some people require only one laser treatment while others need a series of treatments to achieve satisfactory results. Generally, people's skin looks more evenly toned and radiant after it has healed from the treatments.

Tips Warnings

Drink plenty of water and eat a nutritious diet. Both are essential to good skin health.

Be gentle with your skin following chemical peels, microdermabrasion or laser treatments. Your skin will be very vulnerable.

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