Saturday, February 22, 2014

Cloth Car Seat Stain Removal

Eating on the go is one of many hazards for your car seats.

Over the life of your car, your cloth car seats can accumulate a variety of nasty stains. Mud, oil, blood, soft drinks and food all present dangers to the integrity of your car seats. Some stains -- typically those involving greasy substances -- can be more difficult to remove, while minor dirt stains may only require a simple moist towel. The key to removing any type of stain from your car is starting with a basic cleanup and gradually moving to more extensive products as needed.


1. Use a bristled brush to scrape away any residue that has crusted on your car seat. If the stain was liquid, use a clean towel to blot away any moisture that remains on the seat.

2. Use a cold, damp towel to blot and gently rub the car seat stain. This method may be enough to absorb simple dirt stains that have set in over time.

3. Add laundry detergent to the stain if it persists. Laundry detergent has cleaning properties, but unlike soap, it will not leave a crusty residue. Scrub the stain with a clean, wet towel. Detergent may be enough to remove coffee, soda or stains from cosmetic products.

4. Combine an equal amount of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spritz the stain thoroughly with the solution and blot dry. White vinegar is a natural cleaning agent that can be especially effective on gum or vomit stains.

5. Use a car interior product designed specifically for cloth car seats. These products, which can include foam cleansers or solvent-type solutions, can be purchased in any car care center and will usually remove the hardest-to-eliminate stains.

6. Apply baking soda powder directly to the stain and on the surrounding cloth. Baking soda can be left on the stain and will help remove any foul odors associated with the stain. After the baking soda sits for at least 15 minutes, vacuum the car seats clean.

Tips Warnings

Because every stain has its own properties, each cleanup may require a different method. Find one that works best for each stain and make note of it for future accidents.

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