Thursday, November 29, 2012

Prepare For Selfdefense Situations

An attack can happen in any environment: your home, your car, your job. How do you prepare for any potential self-defense situation?


1. Plan ahead. Consider your typical day. Visualize all the different environments you will be in and in what areas you'll be most vulnerable.

2. Create a list of potential escape routes for each environment. Determine a "back-up" plan if your escape route is blocked. Where will you have the best odds of survival? Identify advantageous areas in each environment. In the home, it might be hiding in a closet and dialing 911.

3. Look at your list and identify the top one or two self-defense techniques you would use if attacked in your home, your car, your office, and so on.

4. Practice how you would adapt self-defense techniques in the dark, on the stairs, in the snow, on the beach, in the closet. An attacker seldom picks an environment where you have an advantage.

5. Consider potential weapons in each environment. List projectile weapons (those you would throw, such as a heavy paperweight), distraction weapons (tossed to divert and buy you time, such as dirt or hot coffee), long-range weapons (broom handle, umbrella), blunt weapons (baseball bat, briefcase) and bladed weapons (kitchen knife, letter opener).

6. Rehearse scenarios with family and friends until you reach mastery on when to avoid, when to escape, when to defend by controlling (joint locks and throws) and when to defend with strikes or weapons.

Tags: each environment, home your, home your your, self-defense techniques, when defend