Friday, March 30, 2012

Can My Shirt Be Out In Business Casual

Wearing your shirt un-tucked is a business casual no-no.

"Business casual" is a popular dress code adopted in many work places as well as at job fairs and other business-related events. In today's casual age, though, the term may be a bit confusing. You may wonder how casual "casual" really is, and whether you can, for instance, wear your shirt un-tucked, or wear blue jeans or sneakers to work. Check out this rundown on basic business casual dress codes for men. Does this Spark an idea?


Under business casual, may you wear your shirt untucked? Absolutely not. Business casual is about looking neat and professional, not comfortable. Even short-sleeved polo shirts are only allowable in settings that are very casual; if in doubt, go for a long-sleeved, buttoned-down shirt. Ties are not required but it never hurts to wear one. Stick with lighter, conservative shirt colors: white, light blue, pin stripes, etc. Wear your more colorful or flamboyant shirts after work hours.


Chose dark or khaki pants that fit you properly and don't show any wear or tear. That means nothing too tight, too baggy, or too long or short in the leg. Do not wear shorts or jeans. All of your clothes should be neatly pressed, with no dangling threads, and the highest quality you can afford. Wear a leather belt and dark socks that are long enough that you won't show bare calves when you cross your legs, along with appropriate shoes, such as leather loafers.


Wedding rings and conservative watches are acceptable accessories. Be wary of other jewelry, particularly earrings. Some industries will be more accepting of men with earrings than others, so be sure that you know the environment you are going into. Baseball caps are out. Avoid bulky bags; carry a trim briefcase or padfolio instead. With regard to your "electronic accessories," if you are on a job interview, working with a client, etc., be careful about how much time you spend interacting with your phone; if you use it to check the time, do so discreetly.

Overall Appearance

The overall look you are going for is neat, conservative and well-groomed. Wear clothes that match, in neutral colors. If you wear cologne, only wear a little. Do not smell like cigarette smoke. Any facial hair should be clean and neatly trimmed. Polish your shoes and clean your fingernails. However boring you might think you look, remember that the point is not to look interesting but professional. If you work in a creative field, you may have some flexibility with some of these rules. However, it's best to take the conservative approach until you know for sure.

Tags: business casual, your shirt, Business casual, shirt un-tucked, wear your, wear your shirt, your shirt un-tucked