Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Very Cheap Costume Ideas

Costumes don't have to be expensive.

Costume parties can be very enjoyable year-round but they are most common around Halloween. People of all ages get into costume for the holiday with kids going door-to-door in costume for candy while adults dress up for costume parties and Halloween events. Costumes can get very expensive but they don't have to be, especially if you will only wear it a couple of times. There are a number of cheap costume ideas that can be utilized year round.

Rubik's Cube

You can create a realistic depiction of the famous '80s toy by taking a large square box and cutting holes in it for your head, arms and waist. Then you can either paint nine colored squares on each side of the box or you can glue nine sheets of colored construction paper to each side, which is easier since you'll achieve a more uniform look. You can either mix the colors to make the costume an unsolved cube or make each side the same color to go as a solved puzzle. For added fun, paint your face as well so it fits the color scheme of the cube you've created.

Secret Agent

The fun of a secret agent costume is that it can y be very simple. Dress all in black with black pants and a black T-shirt and print either "Secret Agent" or "CIA" on the front or back of the shirt. Add a fake mustache and some sunglasses and you have a costume. Add a fake gun and a badge if you want to accessorize and you can make the costume either as simple or as complex as you want to without spending much money. Additional accessories could include toy handcuffs and a briefcase. Touch your ear from time to time as if someone was talking to you through an earpiece and respond by talking into your watch periodically if you want to have some more fun with the concept.

Jack in the Box

Take another box and cut holes for your head, arms and torso to fit through. Paint the box in bright colors and then add a crank to the side of it, which you can make using a paper towel roll. Dress up in bright colors and paint your face in clown makeup to create the Jack in the box effect, You can also add a colored wig and a rubber nose without having to spend much money. Your clothes under the box won't be seen so only your arms and legs really would need to fit the clown wardrobe.

Tags: each side, bright colors, head arms, holes your, holes your head, make costume