Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Maintain Business Lunch And Dinner Etiquette

Knowing proper eating etiquette is the foundation to having a successful business lunch or dinner. The most important consideration are attire, arrival time, payment, conversation, ordering and table etiquette. Moving confidently through these stages helps to present you as competent and knowledgeable.


1. Dress in business attire and arrive on time or, if you proposed the idea, 10 minutes early. If you initiated the lunch or dinner meeting, speak with the host or your server about your table, making sure it's ready. Request that the bill be given directly to you or offer your credit card before your party arrives.

2. Offer a little small chat. Recall important details such as spouses' and children's names, birthdays or major life events. Keep the talk positive and light. Steer clear of touchy subjects such as religion, politics or gossip.

3. Order confidently a medium-priced menu item or a special, if you're a regular to the establishment. Place your napkin on your lap.

4. Use the utensils in the proper order. Utensils start on the outside and move in toward the plate. Glasses begin on the left, moving to the right. Plates start on the right, moving to the left. Turn your fork upside down on the rim of your plate when you're finished with a course. This signals the waiter for service. Be kind and courteous to the wait staff.

5. Place only papers on the table, never your briefcase. Wait to show necessary papers until after the main course, since documents could be spoiled or ruined during the meal.

6. Thank all attendees and present a confident and expectant air, even if the meeting didn't seem successful to you. If further meetings are necessary, ask for or offer a phone call to arrange the date, time and location. This alleviates pressure and allows you to continue on with your next order of business.
