Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Clean A Suede Coach Bag

Suede Coach bags or purses will occasionally need cleaning. A suede bag cleaning kit is available for purchase at Coach stores if you would like to buy one, but all you really need are a few suede cleaning items that you can find at shoe stores or leather stores. Suede is a delicate fabric that is typically treated with a waterproofing agent before it is sold. However, this treatment does not prevent some things from staining the suede. When this happens, you can easily remove the stains yourself, saving you the cost of having to send your Coach bag to the cleaners. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Rub a suede eraser over any dark spots, blemishes or stubborn stains on your suede Coach bag.

2. Gently scrub out the stains or marks with the soft suede brush by running the brush over them in a circular motion.

3. Clean off the fabric webbing or quilted signature "C" fabric with a soft cleaning cloth and warm soapy water. Rinse the soap off the cleaning cloth and then wipe the soap off of the fabric with it. Dab the fabric dry with a towel.

Tags: fabric with, cleaning cloth, suede cleaning, Suede Coach, with soft