Thursday, August 30, 2012

Upscale Gifts For Doctors

A good doctor can mean the difference between life and death. Doctors worked hard to be able to practice medicine and when they're finally done with their education, they continue to work hard by keeping current with modern medical trends, helping patients and developing new medical techniques. If you want to show your appreciation for the hard work a doctor does for you or your family, there are a number of upscale gifts you can purchase for him or her that are both practical and fashionable.

Custom Briefcase

Doctors often need to carry around patient files and other documents and materials; a nice briefcase might be appreciated greatly. Briefcases can be customized, with initials, names or monograms engraved on metal plates affixed to the exterior or interior of the case. They can also be created out of luxurious materials.


Doctors spend a lot of time writing and signing their names. Giving a gift of a sterling silver pen may be practical and appreciated. Tiffany & Co. offers a caduceus clip pen that might delight many physicians. The caduceus is the symbol of the American medical practice.

Diploma Frames

Doctors often display their medical school diploma(s) in their patients' rooms or their own office. The certificates represent the completion of a portion of their life's goals and many display them proudly. A customized frame made of high-quality wood or metal can be a practical and much appreciated gift the doctor will see almost every day. Choose the perfect frame from a specific high-end art shop or sneak a designer in to check out the decor of the office suite itself and order a custom frame to match either that or even the colors highlighted on the doctor's diploma.

A Cellular Telephone

Doctors typically need to have access to their telephones at all times, as they are often on call. A high end cell phone that doubles as a personal digital assistant (PDA), such as an an iPhone or a Blackberry, would allow him to be available at all times. In addition, he could store all necessary pertinent information regarding additional contacts, his calendar and frequently dialed numbers.

Gift Certificates

Doctors are very busy individuals and it's sometimes difficult for them to disperse their energies on both a professional and a personal level. Giving a gift certificate to an upscale restaurant, an opera or the symphony would be a lovely way to show your appreciation. This gift demonstrates that you understand that your doctor's life extends beyond the hospital walls. You could make this even more unique by giving him or her a gift certificate to a different activity or restaurant every month for an entire year.

Tags: Doctors often, gift certificate, Giving gift, show your, show your appreciation, your appreciation