Monday, December 5, 2011

Luxury Gifts For Men

Even the most stoic, austere and self-sufficient men like a little luxury once in a while. A luxurious gift doesn't have to be expensive; it just has to be decadent. And most importantly, it should be something the man wouldn't buy for himself. That's what makes it a treat.

For the Body

A massage is the ultimate indulgence. Massages are uninterrupted, soothing, and relaxing. If this man is your romantic partner, you can study massage techniques, buy some oils, and do it yourself. You'll enjoy it as much as your man does. If you're shopping for a friend, brother, father, or son, splurge on a professional massage. The massage is an hour of bliss that feels good far longer.

You can also buy rich shaving creams or lotions to pamper your man. Many companies have entire lines of men's products. Dead Sea lotions are especially moisturizing.

Clothes, too, are for the body. You can buy monogrammed shirts or cuff links, or a beautiful silk tie. Don't buy him something he needs; buy him something that will make him feel like a prince.

For the Taste Buds

If your guy likes to wind down with a glass of wine or beer, buy him nice new glasses or beer steins. Pouring his drink into a snazzy new glass makes it that much more satisfying. You could also buy him a top-shelf bottle of his favorite drink, or a special wine refrigerator that keeps wine at the exact right temperature.

Or if you're shopping for an epicure, buy him a cooking lesson. Most culinary institutes offer classes for non-professionals, and many chefs will even come to private homes to teach the tricks of the trade. You might even reap the benefits of this lesson in the future.

Just for Being Himself

There are gifts that allow an overworked man to just let loose. These include the grand electronic items, such as an imposing flat-screen TV, a video game system to indulge his playful side, or a new speaker system that perfects the sounds of his favorite songs. These gifts also include inspiring literature or nonfiction, or the instrument or paint to tickle his creative urge. One last surefire luxury gift: Find the absolutely most comfortable reclining chair in the store, tie a bow around it, and watch the stress lift from his face as he sinks into it, closes his eyes, and smiles.
