Thursday, August 4, 2011

Family Organization Tips

A calendar is vital.

With all the responsibilities an active family has, keeping schedules straight and the home neat can be overwhelming. Organizing the family's time and space is a necessity if you want to get everything done with minimal stress. A few minutes spent in advance on family organization will free up hours over the course of a month and give you more time and energy to enjoy each other.

Family Calendar

Every family needs a calendar. This one simple tool makes days flow smoothly and ensures responsibilities are met. Purchase a large wall calendar with big squares to write in. Write down every appointment, sports practice and event that is planned---even recurring events you think you have memorized. Place it in a prominent location and use it every day.

Use a different color of ink for each family member so you can tell at a glance who has something planned when. Encourage family members to write down any plans they have to help keep it up to date. Check the calendar on the same day every week to get an overview of what is planned for the next seven days. Check it again in the morning before starting your day so nothing is forgotten. Conflicts in scheduling are handled immediately instead of last-minute plan changes becoming the norm.

Drop-It Zone

Kids and adults have a tendency to drop backpacks, shoes and briefcases and to empty their pockets onto the nearest surface available after walking through the door. Set up a drop-it zone and catch all these items before they are strewn through the house.

Place bins, boxes or hooks near the main entrance everyone uses. Label the bins and hooks with each person's name. As long as jackets are hung and items make it into the bin, finding them the next day is not a problem. Empty everyone's bins at the change of each season and put in the items they'll need next, storing the extras away for next year. For example, replace backpacks with the swimming snorkel once school is out.

Basket Cleaning

Gathering items from room then distributing them to their rightful homes is much quicker than taking one item at a time. Keep a large attractive basket in your den or living room, whichever attracts the most clutter. Drop items that belong elsewhere into the basket as you find them or for a quick clean-up before company visits. Rotate between family members who empties the basket each night. Carry the basket from room to room and drop of the items that belong in each place.

Tags: family members, from room, items that, items that belong, that belong