Monday, March 28, 2011

Interview For A System Administrator Job

The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates a full 30 percent growth in the field of systems administration from 2008 to 2018. People with the appropriate education and training who are neat, highly organized and efficient may enjoy systems administrator work. As with any type of job, before you can enjoy doing the work, you must excel in the interview.


1. Arrive on time and dressed appropriately. Appropriate clothing for a systems administrator is a suit and tie for a man or a suit for a woman. Carry a briefcase, not a backpack. A backpack makes you look like you just got out of school and gives less than the best impression. Smile, look your interviewer in the eye and shake hands.

2. Be prepared to answer questions relevant to your systems administrator expertise. For example, you may be asked to discuss Linux and Apache in detail. You will be asked your opinion about different file systems and to explain the reasoning behind your opinions. The interviewer will want to get a sense of your Google fluency and your experience. Try to relax and be willing to discuss what you know in detail. Appear confident and you will come across as a good candidate for the job.

3. Research the company at which you are interviewing ahead of time. The more you know about the company, the more you can intelligently discuss what their specific systems administrator needs are. Knowledge of the company will show interest and it may positively impress the interviewer.

4. Be personable. You will be asked some personal questions as well as systems administrator questions. For example, you may be asked to describe how you handle interpersonal conflicts on the job. You may be asked what you do to keep up with current practices and tools. Never lie or make up stories; if the interviewer suspects you are lying, it will destroy your chances of being hired. Answer questions honestly and be as personable as you can.

5. Use grammatically correct, complete sentences both verbally and in writing. Do not use slang or curse during the interview. A systems administrator may need to explain some technical knowledge to other employees. Your communication skills and professionalism may make or break a job interview.

Tags: systems administrator, discuss what, example asked, will asked