Thursday, June 10, 2010

Accessorize Dress Attire For Men

A man's accessories should enhance rather than dominate his appearance.

Women can dress up a favorite outfit or transform it with the clever use of accessories. The use of accessories for men is a bit more challenging. Accessories on a man can enhance the clothing he is wearing and enhance his overall appearance. But, all too often, an otherwise well dressed man gets it wrong when it comes to accessories. The tie is often what sounds the jarring note. A soberly dressed man makes a brave attempt to jazz up his appearance and add a touch of individuality. But he errs too far in the quirky direction, and all the attention then focuses on the tie, rather than the man or anything he may be saying. Does this Spark an idea?


Accessorize: for a Man

1. Review your existing wardrobe. Think specifically about color. It can make life easier if you concentrate on two or three main colors, at least initially. Your accessories should be in tune with your clothing. Keep jewelery to a minimum and wear it discreetly. Avoid novelty or loud watches. Cuff links should be classic and not too big.

2. Wear a tie that complements your shirt and suit. Do not choose very wide or very narrow ties. Avoid garish colors and any novelty or cartoon ties. If you must wear these, wear them in informal situations. A tie pin can add a subtle, stylish touch.

3. Choose the best leather shoes you can afford. Black shoes are usually best. Wear dark shoes with dark socks, and light with light. Buy a good quality leather briefcase. Avoid any that are too big. Keep diaries and electronic accessories in their place.

Tags: accessories should, rather than