Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Copy & Paste A Link Into A Browser Address Bar

Most web links are displayed using shortcuts that lead you to a particular URL or web page. This can make it difficult to view the URL of the link you are visiting. No matter which browser you use, there are a couple ways to copy the link location and paste the URL into the browser address bar.


Copying Link Location

1. Right-click the link you want to copy and select "Copy link location."

2. Double click on your browser address bar and double-click it. Hit "Backspace" to clear the address bar.

3. Right-click the browser address bar and select "Paste." Hit "Enter" to go to the linked web page.

Copying URL Link

4. Left-click the link if the entire URL is provided (ex. http://www.ehow.com).

5. Move your mouse to highlight the entire URL. Right-click "Copy" to copy the URL to your clipboard.

6. Go to your web browser address bar and right-click it. Select "Paste" to paste the URL.

Tags: browser address, browser address, Copying Link, link location, your browser, your browser address