Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Become A Beauty Consultant

Become a Beauty Consultant

Becoming a beautician is a career choice that requires schooling and graduation from an accredited program. States generally require licensing for cosmetologists, hairdressers, barbers, and nail artists as well as generally practicing beauticians. Of course, if you are not planning on opening your own salon or going to work at one that is already open, you could choose to go into business for yourself as a beauty consultant. Follow these easy steps and learn become a beauty consultant and before long you are well on your way to a lucrative and rewarding career.


Become a Beauty Consultant

1. Log on to the internet and locate a beauty product business that appeals to you. Avon is perhaps the most famous home based business for an aspiring beauty consultant, but Mary Kay Cosmetics is also a quite lucrative opportunity.

2. Set aside the needed start up funds. They are usually negligible but it is good business practice to set them apart from your other funds. Consider opening a separate bank account that will then become the operating account for your business.

3. Mark on the calendar the times and days you are available to work as a beauty consultant. It is tempting to be gung-ho at the onset, but failing to take other obligations and also rest times into consideration will lead to burnout! Instead, map out a realistic schedule that includes times for breaks and lunch and a set starting and quitting time.

4. Understand the payment levels. Usually there is a marked difference in profitability between those who only sell beauty products and those who also recruit others to do so. Even though most charts and schedules are very optimistic and rely on a “best case scenario,” it is wise to read them over and understand exactly what the conditions are to achieve these levels of earning.

5. Apply online to the beauty product program of your choice. Avon requires you to provide your name, address, phone number, and email information and a representative will contact you. Mary Kay requires you to hook up with another independent beauty consultant who will help you and also function as your mentor.

6. Read through all the documentation you receive and make sure you understand not only the investment requirements, but also any future investment needs.

7. Learn everything you can about the beauty products you are selling. Try them out yourself and also on friends with a different complexion and skin type. Knowing first hand how it looks and feels to apply the product to a different person goes a lot further than simply reading about it in the training booklets you may receive.

8. Practice your spiel on friends and family members. Allow them to counsel you on change the way you approach potential customers. If you are going to host at home makeup parties, host one just for friends who will give you an honest opinion on present yourself more believably as a beauty consultant and also interact more effectively with others.

9. Search out customers by working with friends and family members first. Next, seek out others in your sphere of influence.

Tags: Become Beauty, beauty consultant, beauty consultant, Beauty Consultant, beauty consultant, beauty product