Thursday, December 3, 2009

What Is The Anniversary Gift For Three Years Of Marriage

Leather boots make a nice gift for a fashion-oriented spouse.

The traditional gift for a third wedding anniversary is leather. The more modern gift is crystal or glass. This presents a wide array of options for choosing a gift for your spouse to celebrate your special day. When deciding on an anniversary gift, think of something that represents your partner's personality or interests. Or, choose a gift that represents your commitment to, or appreciation, for your marriage.

Leather Clothing

Leather jackets, boots, shoes and gloves all make classy gifts for a third anniversary. Consider combining the gift of leather clothing with an invitation to go on a date to a fine dining restaurant or a nightclub where the new clothing can be shown off. For an extra special treat you can also give your spouse a piece of crystal jewelry to compliment her new leather clothing.


A new leather briefcase supports your spouse's business goals.

Surprise your spouse with a gift of new leather luggage for future trips together. If it is within your budget, plan a weekend getaway and surprise your spouse with already packed new luggage. You can engrave the luggage with your spouse's initials or with a special message. For the business-oriented spouse, consider a new leather briefcase.


If leather gifts do not align with you or your spouse's beliefs regarding the treatment of animals, then consider making a donation in your spouse's name to an animal welfare agency or rescue shelter. Organizations can typically provide you with a certificate of your donation you can present to your spouse as a gift. Or, if the timing is right, surprise your spouse with a kitten or puppy as a gift.

Crystal or Glass

Be creative when giving crystal or glass gifts. Dress up vases, for example, by writing quotes about love on pieces of paper and filling the vase with them. Or write a lover letter to your spouse, roll into a scroll, tie it off with a decorative ribbon or a glass ornament and place it in the vase. Other crystal and glass gifts ideas include photo frames, wine glasses (be sure to include a bottle of wine to be shared) and decorative candle holders.

Tags: your spouse, your spouse with, spouse with, crystal glass, crystal glass gifts, gift leather, glass gifts