Friday, September 11, 2009

College Graduation Gift Ideas For Her

College graduate

When buying a gift for a young woman who is graduating from college, there are several key factors you should keep in mind. One is that she is soon to embark on a new and intimidating phase in her life. Another is that she's going to find herself without many of the essentials needed for this phase. Your gift can help send her out into the new world that waits for her and make the transition smoother in the process.

New Job Basket

One of the most crucial points of a new graduate's life is using her new education to land that coveted job. A new job basket will help prepare her for this task. Include items such as books on prepare a resume, an alarm clock, books on job interviewing skills, a day planner and perhaps a gas gift card for all the commuting she will be doing in the near future.

Professional Wardrobe Makeover

A new college graduate will more than likely find herself without the proper attire to wear to her upcoming job interviews and, eventually, to her new job. Consider giving her a professional wardrobe makeover that will put her on the path to a fully stocked closet ready for her new profession. This gift can consist of an appointment with a professional stylist or a loaded gift card to a local department store along with a helpful how-to book on dress for success.


While many people think of cash gifting as impersonal, new college graduates will be more than grateful for the convenience of a cash gift. No returns needed, and with the costs of finding a new place, buying a new work wardrobe and paying off student loans, this gift will be anything but impersonal.

Smart Phone

Many college students forsake technology for frugality when choosing a cell phone that will accompany them through college. However, when scheduling interviews and receiving work emails, they may find that a smart phone such as a Blackberry will more than fit their needs. With her new phone, she can keep up with emails, schedule interviews and meetings, and ditch the phone that saw her through her college days.

Professional Work Bag

A gift that is not quite as expensive, but will be a welcome item in the graduate's job-hunting arsenal is a professional work bag. Instead of a briefcase, bridge functionality with fashion by choosing a bag that will compliment most of her work ensembles while comfortably holding items such as laptops, phones and digital cameras.

'Your Own Place' Basket

After graduating from college, many graduates will find themselves on their own for the first time in their lives. Having shared everything from clothes to microwaves with a college roommate, they will soon discover that they are without many of the necessities for their new place. A "your own place" basket should include basic cooking utensils, cookbooks, towels and even laundry detergent so that they're well prepared to settle into their new home.

Tags: more than, that will, will more, will more than, find herself, find herself without