Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Best Leather Treatment

Clean, condition and protect your leather goods

Extend the life of leather goods by using a leather cleaner and following up with a leather conditioner. By using products on a regular basis, the leather will naturally remain lustrous and conditioned. Does this Spark an idea?


Home d cor items such as furniture as well as handbags, briefcases and luggage will benefit from deep cleaning products such as Lexol-ph, which turns into a foam when applied as the dirt is wiped away. It deep cleans the leather without leaving any damaging markings. The Lexol conditioner renews and restores the oils used during the leather’s tanning process.

Pecard Leather Dressing

Leather deterioration is generally caused by oxidation, chemical damage and broken fibers within the leather, plus abrasion. The Pecard Leather Dressing is made of petroleum lubricants mixed with waxes such as beeswax. If you apply the dressing treatment to your fine leather goods every six months, the dressing penetrates the leather and coats the fibers, preventing deterioration and maintaining moisture within the leather.

Leather Magic Repair Kit

Use a repair kit for fixing and repairing minor surface scratches as well as large cuts within leather goods. You mix a leather compound to match the leather product, then apply a leather cleaner, conditioner and protective cream to extend the life of the leather.

Designer Handbags

Haute couture or designer leather handbags made of top-quality leather are generally not treated, allowing the leather to age gracefully. Designer retailers such as Dior, Coach or Gucci, offer specific products for the handbag. Certain high-grade hides allow leather protector creams to be applied, preventing stains from penetrating into cracks--which often occur in aged leather--while restoring the leather to its natural luster.

Meguiar’s Leather Cleaner and Conditioner

Leather becomes worn looking as well as dull over time because dirt clogs the leather’s natural pores, especially in automobiles. Although most manufacturers make products for separate purposes, Meguiar’s Gold Class Rich Leather Cleaner and Conditioner is a one-step treatment that cleans and conditions, avoiding the added expense.

Preventive Care

Cleaning and conditioning leather on a regular basis according to the product type will extend the life of the leather. Generally the leather is cleaned with a clean white cloth, wiping along the leather’s natural grain or in a circular motion. Then you apply a conditioner using the same motion.

Selecting the Right Product

Treatments are made specifically for types of products and types of leather. For example, a leather apparel cleaner will not offer the same benefit if used to clean furniture.

Tags: leather goods, life leather, within leather, Cleaner Conditioner, conditioner using