Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Care & Storage Of Leather Clothing

Leather is a durable fabric good for use in many weather conditions.

Leather clothing is highly protective and very durable. It resists heat, cold and wind and is tear- and puncture-resistant, making it ideal for those who work and play outdoors. Leather stretches and molds to your body, while still breathing. Although it can be expensive, if properly cared for, top-quality leather clothing can last many years. Does this Spark an idea?


Protect your leather by applying a high-quality water- and stain-repellent product. Look for a formula that does not have silicone, wax or petroleum. Leather that is left without protection will dry out and crack. Apply the repellent on clean, dry leather on a regular basis.


Conditioning your leather clothing is essential. The oils in conditioners help keep the leather soft and supple. Again, avoid products that have petroleum or mineral oil. Some leather clothing manufacturer's have their own formulated products that they recommend. Using any conditioner with natural oils like lanolin is usually sufficient. Do not use saddle soap, mink oil, shoe cream or cleaning fluids. To keep your leather clothing in its best shape, avoid putting heavy objects like keys in your pockets. This can stretch out the leather. Don't attach pins or adhesives to your leather clothing, and avoid getting hair spray on; spray the hair spray before you put on your leather.


All liquid stains should be blotted with a clean, dry cloth. Hand wash items in warm water with a gentle soap like baby shampoo. Gently squeeze the water from the clothing. Don't twist or wring out the item, as this can damage or wrinkle the leather. Lay the garment out on a clean dry towel and let it dry thoroughly. This could take up to 72 hours. If there is any water pooling or there are drips left on the garment, blot them up with a clean, dry cloth.


Store your leather on wooden or plastic hangers in a cool, dry place. Avoid plastic bags for storage; instead, use garment bags that breathe, or even a paper bag. Keep your leather items out of hot, humid areas like attics. Wrap your leather items in a cotton sheet or similar item before storing. Leather should not be exposed to direct sunlight or heat for a long period of time. If wrinkles or creases appear in your leather, you can iron them out as long as you place paper over the item before ironing. Most wrinkles will right themselves after the item is hung out for a while.

Tags: your leather, leather clothing, your leather clothing, clean cloth, hair spray, item before