Thursday, April 8, 2010

Luxury Confirmation Gifts For Boys

Giving a confirmation gift to the candidate helps to mark the occasion.

Confirmation is one of seven sacraments administered by the Catholic Church; it is a process during which a person openly and freely decides that they want to be a church member. It is preceded by religion classes and is an important event for anyone, regardless of their age. Catholics who grow up as part of a church often are confirmed as teenagers. Traditionally, gifts are presented to the confirmand in recognition of the occasion.


Well-made watches are a traditional gift for many religious and non-religious occasions. For Confirmation, consider buying a watch with religious detailing such as a cross or lamb. If you choose a larger pocket watch, have a short scripture passage engraved on it. If space allows, include the young man's name and the date of his confirmation as well. Silver, gold, white gold or platinum watches may be expensive, but they are luxurious and will stand the test of time.


Savings bonds are thoughtful gifts that look forward to the future. Write a nice note instructing the boy to use it for college or career training, or simply say that he may use it at any time. This kind of gift helps the young person plan for the future and shows that you see him as an individual who can make his own decisions---something that Confirmation is all about.


A handmade leather wallet or briefcase is something that a young man can carry with pride. Though such items may be expensive, Confirmation is an important event and it is OK to give a luxurious, handmade gift. There are many companies that offer soft, long-lasting leather work, or you can look for a local leather artist. Consider asking the candidate's family for color preferences, and be sure to order the gift at least two months in advance.

Tags: important event