Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Adult Homemade Costume Ideas

Putting on a costume is a fun way to assume a different identity for a party or parade. You can spend lots of money purchasing just the right detailed costume from a party store. Or you can use your imagination, creativity, sewing skills and daring to create the perfect custom at home at far less cost.

Costumes for Women

Turn yourself into a devil. Better yet, appropriate popular song lyrics and turn yourself into a "devil with a blue dress on." Start with a deep blue velvet shirt. Top the dress with a long blue vest. Add a blue velvet skirt. Wear a blue jacket with sheer sleeves. You can find inexpensive fabric to make clothing in fabric stores and at garage sales. Don't worry about cheap-looking fabric since this need only serve for only one night. Add detail with a pair of blue horns on your head made from cardboard, inexpensive old black heels with a bit of blue velvet glued to the sides and a blue velvet topped pitchfork made from a long cardboard tube and topped with fabric remnants. Go really daring and spray blue highlights on your hair.

Become Miss Alaska. In late October, it can be really cold outside. Wear a plaid shirt and pair of lined blue jeans. Place a tiara on your head and a sash across your abdomen with the words "Miss Alaska" printed on it. Top with fake icicles wrapped around your neck and a pair of hockey skates hanging from your back.

Costumes for Men

Bring out your inner farmer and channel Old McDonald. Put on a plaid shirt and overalls. Place a straw hat on your head and walk around with a pitchfork. Buy tiny plastic toy farm animals and glue them to your clothes. Make yourself into a true capitalist pig. Start with a suit and tie. Bring a briefcase with you. Glue fake money to your pockets so it sticks out. Glue more money to the sleeves of your suit and the sides of your briefcase. Put on a piggy nose and slap a pig tail on your rear end.

Unisex Costumes

Make yourself into walking pack of playing cards. Copy a design from a deck of cards onto two pieces of oak tag that are big enough to be seen from a distance. Use magic markers or paint to create the design. Cut small holes in the top of the cards so you drape them over your shoulders. Wear black clothing underneath the deck. Or turn yourself into a shark attack victim. Make a scuba diving suit from long lycra pants you may have around the house and an old black top. Add detail with strips of masking tape. Place old swim goggles on your head and flippers on your feet. Splatter fake blood on the suit. Wear a fake shark's head around your neck. Glue fake teeth to the suit's flippers and sleeves. Purchase accessories from party, novelty, dollar or Army/Navy stores.

Tags: yourself into, blue velvet, your head, around your, around your neck, detail with, from long