Friday, August 14, 2009

Donate Women'S Suits In San Antonio

Gently worn suits help struggling women get ahead

According to SaMMinistries' website, 37 percent of homeless women in San Antonio are employed; lack of affordable housing and low-paying jobs are the top two reasons for their homelessness. San Antonians who have gone through their closets and found gently used business attire for women to donate will not get turned away from a host of local organizations who serve women in need.


1. Go through each item of business clothing you want to donate and ask yourself if it is less than 5 years old. If the item is current, put it in a donation pile. Remember, the women who need these donated pieces are trying to get ahead; they need to look sharp! Keep an eye out for plus sizes because these are always in high demand.

2. Donate clean clothing

Clean and press (dry clean if you can afford it) all of the items that have made the donate pile. Most charities welcome your donations, but do not have the time or money to launder. If you can donate your items on hangers, even better.

3. Find a charity that appeals to you. The national organization Dress for Success accepts clothing donations at their downtown location. They accept business clothing as well as new or unused makeup, purses, briefcases, gloves, etc. Check out their website for all of the acceptable and unacceptable donations.

4. Call or email the Martinez Street Women's Shelter to see if they are accepting clothing donations. This organization serves low- to moderate-income women of diverse backgrounds who need help accessing health care and education.

5. Check out the Battered Women and Children's Shelter. The shelter offers numerous Tools for Self-Sufficiency programs. They ask you to call Family Violence Prevention Services, Inc.'s administrative office if you'd like to make a donation.

6. The Salvation Army picks up donations

Contact the Salvation Army Adult Rehabilition Center-San Antonio for pick up services. If you'd like to drop off items yourself, there are five area stores. Their website lists phone numbers and addresses for each one.They will send a truck to your home and take gently used clothing, furniture, sporting goods, housewares, etc. They also take vehicles. The Salvation Army offers adult men rehabilition services to help them face their addictions and re-enter society. The program uses the money made from its five family stores to provide these services to men, no matter their income .

Tags: Salvation Army, business clothing, clothing donations, gently used, women need