Monday, September 9, 2013

Get Cat Urine Odors Out Of Carpets

Rule out medical causes for pet accidents.

Before reaching for expensive cleaners and powerful pet odor neutralizers, turn to your kitchen for supplies to get cat urine out of carpeting. Remove the stain completely because your cat's sensitive nose will find any trace of her previous visit and not even the most powerful deodorizer will disguise the lingering scent. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Clean the cat's litter pan. Cats soil carpets if they're not satisfied with the cleanliness or location of their litter pan or they don't like the scent of scented litter. Try an unscented litter if your cat continues to eliminate out of the box. Also, non-neutered males may spray their territory to warn off rival males.

2. Clean as much of a fresh stain as you can with paper towels and water. Dampen an older stain with water to start the cleaning process. Cover the damp stain with a layer of paper towels. Press a layer of newspapers on top of the paper towels to sop up as much of the damp stain and water as possible in the paper towels.

3. Sprinkle baking soda on the entire spot. Cover the entire stain and let it absorb the odor. Brush away.

4. Blot vinegar on top, scrubbing it in with a soft cleaning rag. Flush the area thoroughly with water to remove the baking soda and vinegar scent.

5. Air dry the stained area. If the vinegar scent remains, flush with water again. If the stain is not completely removed, vinegar will not hide the scent from a cat's sensitive nose and she may return and urinate again.

Tags: paper towels, stain with, with water, baking soda, damp stain