Monday, November 14, 2011

Helpful Tips To Organize Your Life

Forgetting to do things, having a disorganized house or rushing to take care of activities you should have done two weeks ago can create stress for yourself and your family. However, by making a few modifications you can become more organized and your everyday life will seem easier.

Keep and Actually Use a Calander

An electronic personal organizer works well for many people, but it has the disadvantage of requiring you to look at each day individually to see exactly what you have planned. A monthly calendar allows you to look at your planned activities in an instant. For convenience, you should keep a pocket monthly in your purse or briefcase and a larger calendar where family members can add their activities as well. Leave a different colored pen for each family member to use so that you can tell what everyone needs to accomplish.

Break Undesireable Activities into Small Units

If you are putting off an activity because it is undesirable, set aside a short time to work on it. Students often do this by finishing an outline one day, a rough draft on another, and a final copy on another day. You can break a big report for work into chunks or use small chunks of time to clean your house over a few days instead of spending the whole day cleaning.

Delegate Responsibilities

If your life seems overpacked with chores and obligations, let others share the responsibilities. Children can take turns doing dishes or helping out with the laundry. Take fifteen minutes every night to have a family clean up. You will be surprised at what can get accomplished in only fifteen minutes

Learn to Say "No"

If you already feel overwhelmed and disorganized, maybe you are doing too much. You do not have to volunteer for every committee or get your children to every activity yourself. If you need help, ask for it. Decide what is important and recognize that you will not accomplish everything

Keep a List

Prioritize the most important activities you want to accomplish. Get them done early in the day, if possible. Crossing items off your list will make you feel as though you are meeting your goals.

Remind Yourself about Your Obligations

Everyone has different ways of giving her- or himself reminders. Try a Post-it note on the door you use to leave the house, or call yourself and leave a reminder on your answering machine.

Complete Your Responsibilities Quicker

Keep coupons and dry cleaning receipts in your car so if you are already in the vicinity of your errands, you can avoid making an unnecessary trip later. Put items away as soon as you use them. If you do not have to waste time finding what you need, activities will get done faster and be less stressful.

Tags: fifteen minutes