Thursday, July 9, 2009

Entry Level Positions For English Speaking People In France

There are many opportunities in France for an entry-level position.

Entry-level jobs for English speakers in France may sometimes be few and far between, but they're not impossible to find. If you've found yourself falling in love with France and wanting to stay, without learning French, you'll need to find some way to support yourself. Networking with other English speakers is a great way to start, but you can also find jobs on web listings French websites or English speaking job boards.

Agricultural Work

Agricultural work in France is a great way to work without any qualifications, however most of these jobs are seasonal. For a modest salary approximately €8.86 ($11.43) per hour, you can often find work on farms or picking grapes. Although it may not be your ideal job, it's a great way to soak up the French culture and get to know the locals while living in France.

Masonry and Other Skilled Trades

According to French Property Links, skilled tradesmen, such as metal workers, stone masons and builders can easily find a job in France. If you've been to school for these jobs in the U.S. or Britain or specifically completed a trade course, it will be relatively easy for you to find work.

French Property Links suggests that you find British, American or other native English-speaking expatriates who have made homes in France to help you find work. Peruse job boards, newspapers or websites. Large groups of English speakers live in Côtes-d'Armor, Brittany, Provence and Dordogne near Eymet. Pay for this work varies upon assignment.


Teaching English in France is always an option. You can offer your services as a tutor to local high school and university students or opt to teach in a school. If you do the latter, it is important that you have at least a Teaching English as a Foreign Language certificate or a Cambridge English Language Teaching to Adults.

Certification is often important to qualify you for work in France and teaching can be a wonderful opportunity to get to know the world around you, improve your French and become immersed in French culture. You won't need a bachelor's or master's degree to qualify, but either is always helpful.

An average teacher's salary in France equates to €1900 ($2435.22) according to, but you may be paid more or less depending on duties or position.

Translation Work

Translation work is available for those who have studied translation in school, or have a bachelor's or master's degree in translation. This position requires fluency in both English and French. Companies like Apple and Dell are often looking for translators to help with their international sales.

Book companies and schools are often seeking translators to help with projects. The pay will range largely on the company hiring you or how much you think you should charge. It can be quite lucrative or not, depending on who is hiring. Some translators charge eight to twelve cents per word.

Child Care

Child care is a wonderful way to immerse yourself in French culture. The pay will largely be dependent on the family that hires you, but many programs, such as Cultural Embrace, will help you find the perfect French family. Becoming an au pair generally only requires a high school diploma and comes with room and board for free.

If a student on a budget, this can also be a great arrangement in order to pay your living expenses and get a free room while living in France. You can choose to move abroad with a program or strike out on your own looking in newspapers, job boards and on various websites.

Start Your Own Business

A treaty between the U.S. and France gives you the ability to start your own company overseas. In order to establish yourself in France, you won't need anything special other than a visa that mentions you have come to France to pursue a specific activity.

You will be required to provide enough income to support yourself, which in 2004, was equivalent to €1800 ($2307.35) a month, according to You can use this as an opportunity to go into business for yourself as a translator, construction, interior decorator or any other business you'd like to start. The pay and qualifications will be entirely dependent on chosen clientele.

Tags: English speakers, find work, French culture, bachelor master, bachelor master degree