Thursday, July 30, 2009

Compete In A Beauty Pageant

The world of beauty pageants can be competitive and even cutthroat at times. Although its about beauty and intelligence, it's not for the faint of heart. Confidence is a major factor in being able to compete effectively.


1. Set a goal for yourself. Decide how far you plan to go on the pageant circuit. If you are content with a local pageant, focus on that one. If you plan on working the circuit and eventually competing nationally, come up with a plan. Beauty pageants are about being strategic.

2. Be realistic. There is a standard for beauty in pageants. Make sure you fall in line with that standard.

3. Get a coach. You need someone to help you hone your competition skills. If you can't afford to pay for a pageant coach, get an honest friend or family member. You need someone who will be honest with you about your positive and negative attributes while remaining supportive.

4. Be focused. Once you decide to compete in pageants, be committed. You have to be willing to sacrifice to be successful, so waffling about your decision while preparing isn't a good idea.

5. Be confident and enjoy yourself. Although pageants can be serious business, they should be enjoyable. If pageants are not enjoyable to you, the odds are against your success.

Tags: about your, need someone