Friday, March 20, 2009

Be Classy And Elegant

Class and elegance are learned habits.

The classy and elegant person stands out in the crowd for impeccable manners, polite demeanor and tasteful attire. Class and elegance are not simply fashion statements; they become a part of your lifestyle, and ultimately, how you identify yourself. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word "classy" defines a person who has high standards of personal behavior. Elegance pertains to "refined grace or dignified propriety." Elegance also implies a person or setting that has a tastefully rich and restrained beauty. Therefore, to be classy and elegant, you must carry yourself with confidence but not smugness. You must always conduct yourself in an appropriate manner for the situation, show respect for others, and never dress outlandishly.


1. Speak with consideration for others. Never openly harass, harangue or otherwise taunt anyone. If you must speak on the phone in public, keep it short and to the point. Listen attentively and allow the other person to finish speaking when having a conversation. This shows you value what others say.

2. Be aware of what you and your friends talk about while in public. Keep conversations about your love life and other personal matters behind closed doors. Derek Blasberg, author of "Classy," told "Elle" magazine, "I'm shocked by how many supposedly sophisticated girls . . . believe menstrual cycles are appropriate cocktail conversation."

3. Avoid sending sexy text messages or compromising your reputation by posting risque photos of yourself online. If you don't want your mother, friends or total strangers to see or read it, keep it to yourself. If you must talk dirty with someone, do so in person. In this day and age of technology, your poor judgment can quickly go viral on the Internet.

4. Be calm in relationships. If the object of your desire does not reciprocate your feelings, accept it and move on. Never air your dirty laundry in public or online.

5. Be a good friend. Oscar Wilde once said, "True friends stab you in the front." Tackle difficult topics head-on, and don't say anything about a friend to others that you would never say to her face. Avoid acknowledging rumors and gossip aimed at hurting your reputation, but defend your friends when you hear gossip about them.

6. Carry yourself with poise and dignity. Do not shuffle your feet or slouch your back. Graceful elegance is a learned habit. Walking with poise and grace takes a balance of a straight back aligned with your head, shoulders rolled back and a confident stride.

Tags: Class elegance, classy elegant, elegance learned, with poise, your friends, your reputation, yourself with