Timber slats can be replaced with PVC.
Timber slats can be used for various applications around the outside of a house. One is to fence in a porch or other small outdoor area. The thin, timber slats attach to posts spaced out every 8 feet, and are great for enclosing an outdoor area. Like any other type of wood, timber slats can begin to rot and become damaged over time. One alternative to timber slats is PVC. This vinyl composite does not rot outdoors, and is small enough in size to serve the same purpose as the slats.
1. Remove all of the timber slats where you will be installing the PVC with a power drill. Loosen the screws holding the slats to the post with the drill, and set the slats aside one-by-one until only the posts remain.
2. Inspect the posts and verify they are secure in place. Tighten them down, if necessary with a power drill. Measure the distance between the posts with a tape measure, so the proper length pieces of PVC can be purchased for installation.
3. Line up the first PVC slat between the posts. Attach a 1/8-inch drill bit to a power drill and pre-drill two holes into each end of the PVC slat where it will install to the post. Press the board firmly against the post and insert two wood screws into each end of the slat with a power drill.
4. Place the second PVC board underneath the first piece, exactly where the timber slat was located and install it in the same manner. Continue all the way around the posts until the PVC slats have been installed over the entire area.
Tips Warnings
PVC slats can replace timber slats for other applications and will follow the same basic installation method. Pre-drilling must always be done on PVC before installing it into anything.