Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Promote Women'S Accessories

Market accessories by showing how they complement a total look.

Women's accessories are a main part of the women's fashion industry, although promotion for them can be different than promoting clothing. Accessories come in a variety of types, styles and sizes, so you can come up with some creative and unique promotional strategies. Women are more likely to purchase things they can try out or wear, so sometimes the best thing to do is develop your brand and market your style for your accessory products by letting women have some free promotional items.


1. Conduct some market research to help you promote your women's accessories. This type of research can be done on products and brands similar to yours, and on the women who are most and least likely to purchase your accessories. You can learn the best ways to promote your product to women who are likely to buy it by understanding your target demographic. You can also learn who will buy your product and under what conditions, such as where and for how much, and reach out to woman who aren't as likely to buy your accessories, but can be persuaded to buy them with proper promotional strategies.

2. Take images of your accessories being modeled by women and on their own. You want to create visually captivating images that you can use to display your accessories being used, but also as items that look attractive as the main subject of a photograph. Demonstrate that your accessories, whether jewelry, handbags, scarves or any other type, can be worn in all different types of situations by taking photographs of women wearing them at home, work and social events.

3. Create promotional giveaways with your accessories so women can get a feel for wearing them. Be creative. Perhaps you offer a promotional demonstration package deal that gives women a bag that contains an accessory if they spend a certain amount of money or sign up for your brand newsletter. Once women become loyal to a brand, they're more likely to purchase items from it in the future.

4. Promote your accessories using celebrity models to show others they're being worn by trend-setters. Use your celebrity pairing, photographs and promotional demonstration package to spread awareness about your accessories.

5. Advertise your items in publications and let women know you're offering free items or promotional packages. Online websites as well as print publications and advertisements get high volumes of traffic from women looking to learn about the latest fashion trends and buy accessory items that allow them to be "in." Make sure the items are attractively displayed and provide a clear incentive for women to try out your brand and purchase your accessories.

Tags: your accessories, likely purchase, your brand, accessories being, demonstration package