Thursday, October 17, 2013

Fix A Coach Zipper On A Diaper Bag

Metal zippers tend to last longer on diaper bags.

Whether you overstuffed your Coach diaper bag or the zipper has simply worn out, you will eventually need to fix the zipper. Coach diaper bag zippers can be replaced by a novice seamstress. If your zipper did wear out before, consider replacing the plastic Coach zipper with a metal coat zipper instead. The zipper will last longer and be able to withstand a little more abuse.


1. Open up the diaper bag and begin pulling out the stitches while holding the zipper in place. The zipper is sewn in between the two layers of fabric, so the layers will come apart as you do this. Be very careful to not tear the inner lining fabric while you remove the stitches or you will not be able to attach the new zipper.

2. Compare the size of the old zipper and the new zipper and adjust the new zipper as necessary by cutting out some of the length from the bottom and then reattaching the zipper's bumper.

3. Pin the new zipper in place, positioning it between the two layers.

4. Sew the new zipper into position using a straight stitch. For best results, make the seam as close as possible to where the three layers are pinned.

Tags: between layers, Coach diaper, last longer, zipper place