Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Make A Briefcase For Kids

Make a child-sized briefcase out of household materials.

It's never too early to start teaching children about the working world. While you don't have to instruct them to find their own corporate jobs -- just yet -- you can help them look the part by crafting a homemade child-sized briefcase, perfect for carrying little knickknacks and school homework. Create this simple craft with your kids and let them carry it to and from all their special workplaces.


1. Remove all stickers or debris from the outside and inside of the shoebox. Make sure the box has a flat surface on all sides. Open the box, so that the cover is off the box. Use a box with the cover attached to the box on one side.

2. Apply a thin layer of Mod Podge on the outside of the entire shoebox. Then cover with tissue paper. For a traditional suitcase, use brown or black tissue paper.

3. Arrange the paper cutouts in their desired positions around the shoebox. For a traveler's suitcase, use old postcards, stamps, or maps. Glue pieces into place, using the Mod Podge. Let dry.

4. Punch two holes, about 3 inches apart, in one of the longer sides of the shoebox (where the cover opens). Thread the ends of a ribbon into both the holes and tie the ends into a double knot, to make a secure handle. Replace the cover on the shoebox.

Tags: child-sized briefcase, cover with, shoebox Make, tissue paper